
Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Jesuits at Copenhagen

Something to take a peek at while we DNC-ites are busy cramming for the exams that start on Monday, finish our scientific papers on Existentialism and present our seminars:

IgnatianEconet is a blog run by two Jesuits working at the OCIPE (that's our office for collaboration with EU agencies) who've just registered for the Climate Change Conference as observers.

Here in India, the conference is not exactly front-page material but the editorials are taking it seriously. The key question seems to be whether the developed countries (who bear most of the historical responsibility for pollution and climate change) will bear the lion's share of the cost in the near future while developing countries like BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India, China) catch up. In the current economic climate (no pun intended), one cannot blame European leaders for wanting to ease the carbon "drag" on the economy; but nor can one but sympathize with the developing countries that feel the double injustice of historical exploitation of resources and current pressure to slow industrialization.

1 comment:

  1. If you would like to know more about what Jesuits and their collegues are doing at the European level, visit our main website at:
